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فوائد الصبار لتحسين صحة بشرتك!

The aloe vera plant has been utilized for its healing properties for thousands of years. From a sunburn relief for your skin, to an immune system booster, aloe vera’s health benefits are wide and well known. The earliest date on record comes from the 16th Century BC Egyptians who wrote down

their herbal knowledge of aloe on papyrus scrolls. But enough with the history lesson, we want to break down why aloe vera and an aloe vera gel can be so beneficial to your skin’s health. Aloe Vera stimulates the immune system It’s natural repairing properties trigger the body to heal affected areas. When aloe vera gel is applied to the skin, it supplements and stimulates the work your immune system is doing to repair damaged skin. Encourages skin cell regeneration When you get a sunburn, your skin turns red and eventually flakes off as a defense mechanism. These skin cells that are cancerous from sun exposure self destruct to prevent the damaged DNA from reaching your body. An aloe vera gel applied to sunburn can then assist with boosting the immune cells that are rebuilding your skin layers while providing comfort to you. Aloe Vera is the same pH as your skin This quality allows an aloe vera gel to absorb and penetrate your skin quickly and deeply, and is the reason it is such a great carrier for sunscreen.

Maximizes moisture absorption Because of aloe vera’s absorption qualities described above, it allows the skin to be more completely and thoroughly moisturized, which is exactly why an aloe vera gel or aloe vera based sunscreen lotion is non greasy and more effective. This allows the product to sit under your top layer of skin (which is shed every 24-48hrs) and in your pores, so it doesn’t feel greasy or wash off easily. It’s All Natural! All these health benefits and advantages from a plant that grows right out of the ground! The uses are almost endless, but when it comes to skin health and moisturizing potential, it is a plant that is second to none.

Aloe Vera has natural ANTI’s Aloe Vera gel is full of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory (reducing swelling,) antibacterial, and antiseptic properties which is the reason it helps heal small cuts, scrapes, rashes, dry skin, bug bites and in some cases can relieve eczema, acne, psoriasis, and other skin conditions. Helps Fight Aging Last but certainly not least, using aloe vera on your skin has many anti-aging benefits. It is chock-full of Vitamin C, E, and beta-carotene which can help prevent dry skin and increase collagen production which decrease chances for fine lines and wrinkles. Aloe vera based sunscreens can further protect your skin and body from dryness and the dangers of sun exposure.

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